Covid-19, Climate Change and the IPCC
24 Aug 2021
Field: Geography, Climate Change, Resilience
Associate Professor Winston Chow has recently been working on Covid-19 and urban climate resilience in conjunction with contributing to the chapter on ‘Cities, Settlements and Key Infrastructure’ for the 6th Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report.

Despite being simplistic, “toy models” can be used to carry out important work
16 Apr 2021
Field: Philosophy of Physics
Assistant Professor Joshua Luczak discusses two of the Ehrenfests’ toy models and show how they can advance our grasp of physics.

The Falsehoods of Climate Denialism
16 Apr 2021
Field: Philosophy of Science
More than slowing down meaningful action on climate change, Assistant Professor Joshua Luczak argues that denialism is deeply harmful in the many ways it undermines knowledge and understanding.

Using Historical Narratives to Pinpoint and Analyze Extreme Events
01 Apr 2021
Field: Climate History
Urbanisation and industrialisation since the 1960s has brought about rapid changes in climate. But as she recovers a treasure trove of weather records, Assistant Professor Fiona Williamson finds that the climate in Singapore had undergone massive changes even before then.

Memoirs on Pauperism
01 Feb 2021
Field: Political Theory
In a new translation of several of Tocqueville’s works, Associate Professor Christine Dunn Henderson brings together all of the philosopher’s writings on poverty for the first time.

Pervasive AR mobile games encourage players to experience the “real” world
01 Sep 2020
Field: Digital Technologies
Associate Professor Orlando Woods explores the paradoxical effects of “gamification” using Pokémon Go.

Human vs. machine learning performance in classifying abstracts
01 Jul 2020
Field: Bibliometrics
Assistant Professor Giovanni Ko and collaborators find that ML models trump humans at classifying research abstracts, proving to be both cost effective and highly accurate.

Teaching in the time of COVID
01 Jul 2020
Field: Pedagogy
Assistant Professor Wen-Qing Ngoei discusses how the pandemic led students to a deeper appreciation of the questions on happiness and suffering in his “Big Questions” class.

Heat in Urban Asia
01 Jun 2020
Field: Environmental History
Assistant Professor Fiona Williamson hopes to trace, using long-term climate records, the historical development of “urban heat island” effects in Singapore and Hong Kong.

The U.S. and the “Chinese Problem” of Southeast Asia
01 Apr 2020
Field: History
Assistant Professor Wen-Qing Ngoei draws parallels between US Cold-War policies in Southeast Asia and European colonialism in the region, arguing how both are based on the transnational threat from China and driven by suspicions about the “loyalties” of its diaspora.

Smart Eldercare: beyond technical solutions
01 Feb 2020
Field: Digital Technologies
One of the most significant social challenges that Singapore faces is its ageing population and the provision of caregiving. Much help might come from digitally-enabled “smart eldercare” solutions, but, as Associate Professor Orlando Woods asserts, understanding their “human dimension” is paramount.

Containing communism in Southeast Asia
01 May 2019
Field: History
Assistant Professor Wen-Qing Ngoei argues that Vietnam was an exception to the region’s overall pro-US trajectory, not a signal of American imperialism’s demise.