Research Fellow
✉️ alaitza@smu.edu.sg
Research Area(s) / Interest(s)
- Urban Heat and Sustainable Urban Development
- Thermal Comfort (perception)
- Engagement of Citizens in Environmental Issues
- Benefits of Greenery on the Urban Environment
- Adaptation to Climate Change
- Green Chemistry
- Building Thermal-energy Performance
Research Project(s)
- Cool Paints Trials in Schools to Mitigate UHI Effects

Research Fellow
✉️ moshem@smu.edu.sg
Research Area(s) / Interest(s)
- Remote Sensing and GIS
- Urban Climatology
- Urban Heat Island (UHI) Mapping
- Local Climate Zones (LCZ) Mapping
- Thermal Comfort
- Climate Change
Research Project(s)
- Cooling Singapore 2.0 – Urban Climate Risks
Prerona DAS
Research Fellow
✉️ preronadas@smu.edu.sg
Research Area(s) / Interest(s)
- Politics of Infrastructure
- Smart Cities
- Frontier Urbanism
- Urban Geopolitics
Research Project(s)
- Technocratic Regionalism in Southeast Asia: The Translational Politics of Smart City Knowledge Transfer

PAK Hui Ying
Research Fellow
✉️ hypak@smu.edu.sg
Research Area(s) / Interest(s)
- Climate Risk Assessment
- Virtual Reality Platform for Climate Risk Communication
- Drone-based Remote Sensing
- Advanced Image Processing and Algorithm Development
- Water Resource Monitoring and Management
Research Project(s)
- Developing a Risk Assessment and Communication Platform to Translate Climate Projections to Policy

Research Associate
✉️ pkestel@smu.edu.sg
Research Area(s) / Interest(s)
- Urban Climate and Microclimatology
- Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Settings
- Urban Vegetation and Climate Resilience
- Urban Air Quality Dynamics
Research Project(s)
- Cool Paints Trials in Schools to Mitigate UHI Effects

Aikeen LIM
Research Associate
✉️ aikeenlim@smu.edu.sg
Research Area(s) / Interest(s)
- Thermal Comfort
- Climate Resilience and Adaptation
- Nature-based Solutions and Ecosystem Services
- Greenspace Use and Accessibility
Research Project(s)
- Cool Paints Trials in Schools to Mitigate UHI Effects

Visiting Research Fellow
✉️ silviao@smu.edu.sg
Research Area(s) / Interest(s)
- Materiality of Religions in Urban Space
- Architectures for Worship and Death
- Gurdwaras in the Sikh Diaspora
- Use of Digital Humanities (e.g. GIS - Geographic Information System technology) in the Spatial Analysis of Religions
Research Project(s)
- Gurdwara Architecture in the Diaspora. Understanding the Effects on (non-)Sikhs to build an Inclusive Urban Environment.