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The world's biggest climate report explained as a movie release

Will this sprawling epic have a happy ending? Stay tuned. (Photo: ELLA BATES-HERMANS/STUFF)
Stuff Online
20 Mar 2023
Biggest climate report

The world’s top climate body – Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – is about to release the fourth and final report on Tuesday. The reports on the physics, human impacts and solutions came out in August 2021, February 2022 and April 2022 respectively. At a recent briefing on the second report on the impacts on people, SMU Associate Professor of Urban Climate Winston Chow and Vanesa Castan Broto of the University of Sheffield said food and water insecurity, water – and insect-borne diseases, economic suffering and worsening physical and mental health – all these get worse the longer we keep heating the planet.