郭婷 Ting Guo
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郭郭婷关注宗教与政治、性别、科技之间的关系,将于2021年9月就任多伦多大学语言研究系助理教授。正在撰写学术专著Politics of Love: Religion, Secularism, and Love as a Political Discourse in Modern China,教授课程包括性别与宗教、批判理论与华语文学。下一个研究计划希望从宗教文化的角度看亚洲的科幻、反乌托邦作品和AI科技。她合作主持的华语播客「时差」在2021年6月达到27万点击率。她活跃于社交媒体,包括Twitter: @tingguowrites. Ting Guo is Assistant Professor at the Department of Language Studies, University of Toronto (starting September 2021). She is interested in religion, gender, and ideology and the concepts of human selfhood and identity in the digital era. Her Mandarin podcast in-betweenness (@shichapodcast), has reached over 273K downloads as of June 2021. Its most popular episodes have focused on Chinese identity, feminism, and cybersecurity. She’s active on digital platforms including Twitter: @tingguowrites. |
Against the universal claims in the digital age, this talk will take into account digital platforms in Asia, through recent technologies such as clubhouse and podcasts, and reflect on the notion of "Chineseness". In particular, the talk will refer to the Mandarin in-betweenness/shicha podcast that discusses the shared experience on the complexities of power and identity within the Chinese-speaking world and its transnational significance in the digital age.
*讲座将以中文进行 | This lecture is presented in Mandarin