黄卫众 Ng Wai Chong
黄医生是NWC医养达人有限公司的发起人兼总裁。是本地多家医护养老产业的顾问,也是亚洲开发银行亚太地区多项技能协助项目的主要专家。从医三十年,多数时间是在社区里照护久卧病床、足不出户的弱势老人。除了临床医疗,黄医生也负责过许多有关老年人医养项目的研发、设计、管理和专业培训。 Dr Ng Wai Chong is a practising community aged-care physician and the Founder-CEO of NWC Longevity Practice, a social enterprise providing aged care consultancy, training, research, and direct clinical services. He is recognised as a thought-leader in healthy ageing and caregiving with interests in community aged-care system development, primary care, case management, caregiver care and comprehensive needs assessment. |
“离苦得乐”是所有生物的本能。身为万物之灵的我们 - 有文字、有历史、有文明,对快乐与痛苦的思维和离苦得乐之道,当然更有认知。由于前人的睿智与刻苦,这一代的我们有幸享有前所未有的经社发展、优良的生活品质和完善的医疗体系,平均寿命也日益增长。但也因为如此,许多国人必须面对年老所带来的诸多不便。让我们一起向各代人学习,如何为我们的未来做准备。
All beings, human or otherwise, naturally avoid suffering and pursue happiness. Even as we do so, we grow and age, and subject ourselves to the ever-increasing odds of illness and debilitation. How do we understand and manage this? Surely there is a lot to learn from older persons and their caregivers.
*讲座将以中文进行 | This lecture is presented in Mandarin
Simultaneous interpretation into English will be provided for this lecture