5 - 10 June 2022
Singapore Management University
Yong Pung How School of Law
SMU Hall, Basement 1

The College of Integrative Studies at Singapore Management University welcomes you to YED 2022!

The College of Integrative Studies at Singapore Management University, with the support of Temasek Foundation, is proud to present the Youth Ecosperity Dialogue (YED) 2022. YED 2022 offers a platform for student leaders from Institutes of Higher Learning across Asia and Singapore to gather and discuss the pressing challenges in sustainability and to connect leaders of tomorrow with global thought and business leaders to engage in a dynamic conversation that moves beyond conventional accounts of prosperity in financial and economic terms and takes us to artistic, spiritual, and innovative possibilities. Through conversations, industry engagements and workshops inspired by our speakers, SMU aims to deepen the discourse on how we might accelerate change in sustainable practice in industry and business. We welcome you to maximise the opportunities, to join hands and collaborate with like-minded leaders in formulating solutions for a better tomorrow.

YED 2022 is organised by the College of Integrative Studies and supported by Temasek Foundation, in partnership with Ecosperity Week 2022.

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