Welcome to the Youth Ecosperity Dialogue (YED) 2023!
The College of Integrative Studies at Singapore Management University is proud to present the Youth Ecosperity Dialogue (YED) 2023. Through a wide range of panel dialogues, industry site visits and collaborative workshops and activities, YED 2023 offers a platform for young environmental leaders across Asia and Singapore to gather and interrogate key challenges and opportunities in sustainability and regional prosperity.
The theme of this year's YED is 'Sources & Sinks: Reimagining Renewables and Waste in Smart Cities’, inspired by Meadows, Randers and Meadows's Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update (2004). Here, the authors describe how humanity relies on the earth's natural 'sources' for energy, and on its 'sinks' to remove our waste. As the authors argue, our natural sources and sinks are under increasing pressure. The focus of this year's YED is therefore on exploring how to tackle the pressures placed on our natural 'sources' and 'sinks', by re-thinking the possibilities offered by creating renewable energy sources as well as innovative waste management solutions. We encourage you to maximise this opportunity to join hands and collaborate with like-minded leaders in formulating solutions for a better tomorrow.
YED 2023 is organised by the College of Integrative Studies and supported by Temasek Foundation, in partnership with Ecosperity Week 2023.